Sunday, April 4, 2010

Is it a bird? A plane?'s a blog!

So I have a blog.

I don't really know why.

But, I have one watch out!

It was fun to make pretty blog, so now I guess, I'll use it!

A bit about me... I'm an 18 year old Australian who is determined, no matter what, to become a published author some day. Currently, in total, I've written around 1.7 million words (at my last count about 6 months ago) and am still writing! My current WIP is Young Adult fiction with a few romantic twists and currently stands at 83,000 words with a lot to go! It's had 2 major plot reworks so far and the date I have set to have the first draft complete is May 15th. Here's to hoping I get there!

I also read a lot. I panic if there is not at least 6 books in my "to read" pile for fear I'll turn around and have nothing to read. So I guess I'll post some reviews in this blog too, to get the word out about what amazing fiction is out there for YA's! Currently, I'm reading "Ink Exchange" by Melissa Marr (I'm probably the last person in the world to do so). :)

Emma :)

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