Thursday, December 23, 2010

Coops Cover Craves

And a very belated one at that! I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season...tomorrow will be Christmas Eve for those in Australia!

Release Date; April 5th 2011
Recently revealed and completely drop. dead. gorgeous! I mean, look at Clary's hair. That's amazing stuff, I love how it looks like fire! I love that there are two people on the cover this time and although it certainly isn't beating the cover of City of Bones, it comes in as a worthy runner up! :-)
Release Date; January 4th 2011
Shirtless guy with awesome angel wings. Need I say more? :-P

Available NOW!
Can I get a collective "nawwww" for this one. It's cute and sweet and...there aren't words beyond that!

1 comment:

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

'No, not one soul will perish
who puts their trust in Me'

Remember that, humanity.
Cya soon Upstairs...